Bellingen Shire News
g Bellingen NEWS SHIRE Serving Urunga, Repton, Raleigh, Mylestom, Fernmount, Bellingen, Valery, Gleniff er, ora, Dorrigo WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 2022 $2 AT NEWSAGENTS EDITION 19 Shaping the Shire’s Golden Years By ADAM NORRIS lthough many of us Aentertain the secret belief that old age happens to other people and that were actually going to live forever, the inevitable truth is that as the years roll by, theyre taking us with them. Australia has a rapidly ageing population. Th e Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research connects this to increased life expectancy and declining fertility rates, and in NSW alone it is estimated that in less than a decade one in four people will be aged over sixty. Th e Bellingen Shire is already home to an above-average number of senior residents, and to support the individual needs and community engagement of our older family, friends and neighbours, Council is encouraging those who are over 65 years old (or over 55 years for Indigenous people) to help develop the Ageing Well Strategy 2022 – 2025. “People are living longer, and a key challenge not just for our Shire, but globally, is how we respond to support our older population,” said Mayor Steve Allan. “As people are living longer, By contributing to the survey, residents may help determine the trajectory of aged-care initiatives and community activities across the Shire the goal isnt to add years to A community survey is now to better suit a regional area, It incorporates concerns entire community as a whole as to the NSW Treasurys 2021-22 our life, but life to our years. available online, and at physical and allows for comprehensive such as mobility, housing well.” Intergenerational Report, in the To remain active, engaged, and locations throughout the Shire feedback regarding quality of security, health, and access and Carers and professionals who decades to come life expectancy to have a voice. So Council is including the three libraries, life, fi nancial circumstances, participation to social activities. may be involved in senior care is set to rise from 85.9 to 91.7 currently preparing our Ageing Neighbourhood Centres, leisure, and safety for our senior “In my professional life at are also being welcomed to share for women, and from 82.2 to Well strategy and we need to Hickory House Senior Support citizens. the pharmacy, Ive witnessed their input and insights to the 89.4 for men. hear from you. Service, and from the Dorrigo By contributing to the survey, fi rsthand how important document. To complete the survey online, Th is strategy will set Councils Plateau Aboriginal Land residents may help determine it is to remain active and So while the chances of living please visit www.bellingen.nsw. priorities over the next four years, Council. the trajectory of aged-care engaged socially,” Mayor Allan forever remain remote, there to support our older residents to It includes insights from the initiatives and community continued. is still some good news there Well-Strategy-Consultation. remain healthy, active, and stay World Health Organisations activities across the Shire for “And thats not just for your for those of us who steadfastly Submissions close at socially connected.” Liveable Cities Audit, tailored years to come. own benefi t. It benefi ts the refuse to grow up – according 5.00pm on August 21st. Discount Bulk Foods Organic Groceries , - !!".)+-(!& (./- (0!!1- !!".0% %2./ - Local Produce 3++%! !-'" Working hard to , !!1- !!" ! % .4 - "+ 3 -' ) keep good food 5 % 6! -% $7%&!-'"! affordable for all ! 3 % 89%8877! !: since 2004 " # !5 % 6! )&"0 8; ! 1 Church Street, Bellingen NSW 2454 !!"#$ %& '"# ( !)!!"*%+ | 02 6655 9299