WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 2022 BELLINGEN SHIRE NEWS – PAGE 11 How About That – new and exciting musical group hat could be described and educational concerts. accomplished sax player who Was a casual conversation Memo studied classical resides in Bellingen, has been question awaiting an guitar at University, and has a key fi gure in the music scene interesting answer is not quite a good knowledge of jazz and for over 35 years. the name of a musical group Latin American, studying He is know for his great you expect to hear. with private tutors and years sound and understanding of a How About Th at comprises; of performing with musicians range of musical styles. Emiliano Beltzer playing from all parts of the American Chris has been directing double bass, Chris Frater — continent. the Bellingen Big Band since saxophone, Glen Hodges on He also holds a Diploma 1998, helped set up the 1990 guitar, Ivan Pliaskin in the in Sound Production, has Bellingen Jazz Festival. drum chair. recorded and mixed albums Over the decades he has Emiliano, Chris and and EPs, plus created played in many musical settings Glen met whilst teaching soundtracks for theatre and i.e. Zoobop, Th e Chris Frater at Coff s Harbour Regional video documentaries. Quartet, Speak-Easy. Currently he plays with Triptych, Conservatorium and with Ivan Dr Glen Hodges has they have realised their shared taught for over 30 years, Off spring Gypsies, FreFra and interest in original music. instrumental, vocal, ensemble William Street. Th ey have put together a and composition at Uni of Ivan Pliaskin, USSR born repertoire drawn from their Tasmania, Central QLD drummer with strong accent extensive libraries that they Uni, and Griffi th Uni. He has and unknown past, has been have composed throughout received numerous awards and seen around many artists, their careers. scholarships in Australia and performing with everyone and Th ere is no question of the overseas. everywhere including Iceland quality and experience this new Glen was a teaching fellow at and the North Pole. group has in its ranks. the University of North Texas Dont like pumpkins and Each member has decades of and Texas Wesleyan University. sultanas. playing throughout Australia His Phd with Macquarie Secretive character. Married. and around the world. University (Sydney) studied How About Th at is a new Emiliano Beltzer is a guitarist the improvisation style of jazz and exciting group able to and bass player from Argentina. guitar great Jimmy Rainey. share with you a musical Starting his musical studies Glen has performed at conversation and compositions age 6, obtained a Teaching numerous jazz festivals, that will be of great interest. degree age 17, in various working with Australias fi nest For more info contact Chris environments - classrooms, one musicians. Frater via chrisfr ater8@ or 0421 190 05 on one tutoring, workshops Chris Frater is an