Bellingen Shire News

g Bellingen NEWS SHIRE Serving Urunga, Repton, Raleigh, Mylestom, Fernmount, Bellingen, Valery, Gleniff er,  ora, Dorrigo WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2022 $2 AT NEWSAGENTS EDITION 20 Changing of the guard at the HUB By ADAM NORRIS ean Besley, the well- Drespected coordinator of the Bellingen Shire Youth Centre (better known as the HUB), is stepping away from the role aft er almost a decade of service. While he has overseen a huge range of community initiatives and projects in that time, Dean is not that concerned about leaving big shoes to fi ll. “Well, Ive been really incredibly passionate about the Youth Hub, and the young people and the role in the community for years,” Dean said. “And it got to a point where it felt like it was time to hand over and give a younger person a bit of a crack. Im 60 this year, and stepping into that place where I need to think about what Im handing over.” It is Deans hope that having someone new in the role will bring a fresh perspective on how the HUB engages with the community, which echoes how Dean and his colleagues fi rst FRONT ROW: Dean Besley, ex-coordinator Bello Youth Hub; Steve Allan, mayor; Fiona Hannaford, David Neville, Management Committee; Myola Suffolk, Youth Support Worker founded the organisation. “Part of the reason why the but Ill still be involved in the Dean looking forward to further weve been doing at the Hub are supporter or a young person, and most, and the bit Im the most Hub did so well was when we community.” consultation with the Minister rolling out in one shape or other the Hub has been instrumental proud of.” started, we didnt know what Th e more Dean speaks of his for Regional Youth. all across the State. Th ats quite in them doing something bigger “Our job was to support the we were doing. We had a blank motivations and memories of his “Part of what we did at the Hub exciting, really.” and better. community and what they canvas, and a whole bunch of time at the HUB, it is clear that landed at the State government Th e HUBs range of activities “I always get inspired by needed,” Dean refl ected. us were dreamt into it and built community service has been a level, and many minsters were include the Two Way Street people who think theyve been “Whatever arose in the something along the way. calling, as much as a career. very interested in what we driving program, art and music empowered at the Hub, who feel community we were able to “And I think places like From a background in were doing. Ive got involved programs, a youth drop-in theyve been given permission to support or respond to. Because that need renewal, they need startups, to his involvement in a program called the Youth service and many more. When do something diff erent. the unspoken thing that goes passion, they need people who with corporate models of how & Community Coordinator asked to think back on the “Th e number of people who on at the Hub is that we also arent quite sure what theyre to run vibrant community Program, which is [where] highlights of his time at the bring their new kids into the deal with some tricky things doing but are willing to have a banks (and instructing some the State Government has HUB, Dean was at fi rst lost for Hub, babies, is just wonderful. as well, and its wonderful that crack. Ive seen too many good youth abseiling programs along coordinators all around regional words Th ey started as teenagers who a community likes ours has organisations go backwards the way for good measure), NSW helping community with “I think that the highlights were a bit challenged in the early somewhere that young people because people hold on too empowering local communities youth matters, and Im the for me arent necessarily the days, and now theyre mums and who are struggling can come and long. has always been key. strategic consultant for that. activities. Its the people who dads. get support. And were going to “So it will be hard leaving, Nor is the work done, with “So in one way, all of the things have come in as a volunteer or a “Th ats the bit Ill miss the continue to do that.” Discount Bulk Foods      Organic Groceries ! % ,-. !!)!!(/ %0 )++ 1 / !!"-)+/(!&  (-2/ Local Produce  (3!!4/ !!"-3% %0-2 /    Working hard to 5++%! !/'"  1 !!4/ !!"   !  % -.  / "+   keep good food    6 % 7! /% $8%&!/'"!   affordable for all     !   5 % 9:%9988! !;    since 2004 "   #   !6 % 7! )&"3 9< ! 1 Church Street, Bellingen NSW 2454    !!"#$ %&  '"# (  !)!!"*%+ | 02 6655 9299

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