PAGE 8 – BELLINGEN SHIRE NEWS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2022 Perfect play is a real beast GARDEN - LANDSCAPE - SUPPLIES FOR ALL YOUR GARDENING NEEDS Rehearsals are underway for The Beast, the latest from the Dorrigo Dramatic Club. By ADAM NORRIS whats been happening here over the keep their distance. he only stage play written by last few years.” “Th e last play, [Minefi elds & Tmusician-performer Eddie With a cast of nine, its also quite Miniskirts] was us kicking off again Perfect – and yes, that is his real a large production, with many in the refurbished theatre, and we name – is a black comedy satirising moving parts and punchy dialogue. still had a few challenges there in the best-laid ethics of a group Tamar and the team are now in the terms of timing with the fl oods, of tree-changers who decide to thick of rehearsals, but as they reach which meant that the mountain was slaughter their own meat. the pointy-end of preparation, the closed during [the season]. But the Th e Beast is a razor-sharp (pun debut director is enthusiastic about Dorrigo community was fantastic intended) production, the kind how it is all coming together. so we still had audiences for all our of tale one might expect if Aaron “We hosted a play reading last year performances. Sorkin tried his hand at Grand with the membership to see what “Now, weve obviously had Guignol. they thought of the content and challenges with the latest Omicron WHERE THE LOCALS SHOPWHERE THE LOCALS SHOP Now, the Dorrigo Dramatic Club themes, and they really enjoyed it. wave, so myself and a couple of is bringing the play to the Old So the Club and committee were the actors have had Covid during Gazette Th eatre, and director Tamar very encouraging. rehearsals, so that has been challenge Collier cant wait to introduce it to “Its my directorial debut as well, with such a large cast. Nursery • Mulch • Woodchip local audiences. and its quite a big play, as Ive found “Getting everyone together when G “Its a fantastic play, a bit out since weve been getting it ready. we have fl u and Covid throwing Soils • Sands • Aggregate outrageous and I think were going Ive been realising more and more spanners is a kind of Sword of to get a few raised eyebrows from what a big undertaking it is. Damocles over us all the time. Cement products • Gravel our possibly more conservative “It has lots of parts, has very quick But weve had good momentum, members of the community who dialogue, very biting. Its one that rehearsing three times a week, and might be a little disapproving,” needs a lot of pacing and a lot of everyone is excited to get this on NEW DRIVE -TRU! Tamar laughed. energy, but were going to do it stage. Everyone wants to dig deep “But thats ok, thats what justice and have put our own spin on and put the eff ort in, and we want theatre does. I think itll be really it. Im hoping that it will be one that to make the most of that for each exciting. Its content that I think lands really well with our audiences.” other, and for the audience. is appropriate for the area, given With a strong cast and crew – not “Its going to be great.” its about three couples who make to mention the strength of the script the tree change from the city to a itself – Th e Beast will no doubt be For tickets, visit www. rural area for a new organic, ethical a cultural highlight, as long as the sustainable life. So not dissimilar to hurdles that have so far littered 2022 or call 0419 558 028 ‘Be safe, not sorry’ – FRNSW NEW NURSERY lthough winter is drawing your home with deadly smoke. keep looking when cooking; dont Ato a close, with a 10 per cent “We urge residents to take a overload power boards; keep increase in the number of house fi res few simple precautions to keep everything a metre from the heater; during the cooler months Fire and themselves and their loved ones never use wheat bags to warm your Rescue NSW (FRNSW) is urging safe.” bed; check electric blankets for communities across NSW to Be Captain Woollard said fi refi ghters frayed cords and other damage; safe, not sorry by being home fi re are committed to reducing the risk dont use outdoor heating and safe. of home fi res and to protecting the cooking equipment inside the home Captain Brian Woollard of irreplaceable. as it can be fatal, and to ensure you Bellingen Fire Station said there are “Th e best way to stay out of harm have a Home Escape Plan. traditionally more fi res in bedrooms this winter is to take measures to Most importantly, if a fi re does 111Shortcut 3oad, and loungerooms due to heaters, prevent a fi re from occurring in the occur, get out, stay out and call 3aleigh electric blankets, and the like. fi rst instance,” Captain Woollard Triple Zero (000). Ph: 0466 690 978 “Over winter, we see a spike in said. To help keep you and your loved home fi res, fi re-related fatalities and “It is vitally important for people ones safe, FRNSW recommends TUE - FRI: 7am - 4pm injuries,” Captain Woollard said. to have a working smoke alarm in using their Get Ready for Winter SAT: 8am - 1pm “It only takes three minutes for a their home and to test it regularly.” checklist, which can be found at fi re to take hold in your home, fi lling Other safety measures include: