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FORSTER COMMUNICATIONS – IMPACT REPORT 2020-21 BUILDING A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL THE YEAR OF THE PANDEMIC SHOWED HOW CHALLENGING LIFE CAN BE – BUT ALSO WHAT If you are interested in driving CAN BE ACHIEVED IF EVERYONE WORKS change or would like more TOGETHER. AS WE MOVE INTO A POST-COVID-19 information on what we’re WORLD, WE ARE MORE COMMITTED THAN EVER doing, please get in touch. TO LEAD AND INSPIRE CHANGE. [email protected] +44 (0)20 74032230 We will continue to work towards the targets in our Climate Positive Plan and do more to help reduce inequality and promote diversity and inclusion. And we’ll use the power of communications to achieve a wider influence through our work and our industry networks, collaborating with our clients and communities to make a positive difference at every opportunity. 16

Forster Communications' Impact report 2020-21 - Page 16 Forster Communications' Impact report 2020-21 Page 15 Page 17