m "The Word of God EXPLORING DMM —illuminated by the Holy 1. God can use the ordinary and untrained to Spirit of God—is enough to m 3. Leaders are developed as they lead. m 5. Movements of God start with prayer The Power of DMM m create the people of God." make disciples and plant churches. and fasting. Rather than waiting for leaders to be formally trained Lies in Its Simplicity DMM works in the underlying conviction that every believer before making disciples and planting churches, we have Before strategic plans, training, data analysis, and can and should be a disciple maker. Rather than reserving seen training be most e昀昀ective when done in the 昀椀eld— human resources, DMM asks believers to 昀椀rst and DMM is something ordinary people can do with little education church planting and discipleship for those painstakingly especially among oral learning cultures. Believers with foremost rely on prayer and fasting. When we pray and or 昀椀nancial investment. It empowers them to become vessels of quali昀椀ed by seminaries, we have seen God use ordinary people no seminary training at all can pray, fast, and sense God fast 昀椀rst, we are humbled to depend on God and not God’s grace in reaching others. It is only possible by God’s divine for his extraordinary purposes. By simply obeying His Word, leading them where to go, who to engage, and how. As ourselves. Our spiritual sensitivity is increased. God intervention. they are transformed into multiplying disciple makers who these ordinary people serve, their true spiritual gifts and reveals Himself to us, and we join Him in what He is plant multiplying churches. 吀栀ere will always be a need for capacities emerge. As their responsibilities and e昀昀orts already doing. Our strategies and initiatives become We understand that this missional approach may be foreign the biblical roles of overseers, shepherds, and elders—spiritual increase, they are coached in areas needing reinforcement. m aligned with God’s purposes. among the traditions of the Western world. But we’re okay with leaders who encourage, coordinate, and bless the e昀昀orts of the 4. When making disciples is the goal, 6. The Church is its people. that. We’re not interested in the acronym. We’re interested in 昀氀ood of believers released to obey Jesus’ 昀椀nal command. m getting the job done. churches will be planted. m 2. Discovered truth is stronger than shared A limiting factor we have seen in traditional approaches Christians have hovered around 33% of the global population knowledge. DMM doesn’t believe that attractional church models— is that to be a “real” church, you must have a building. since the early 20th century. To deliver the good news of Christ people gathering in larger group settings, often in a DMM is not opposed to churches having buildings. to every last people group, multiplication of obedient disciples 吀栀e Word of God—illuminated by the Holy Spirit of God—is building—should be done away with. 吀栀ese churches 吀栀e point is that we are called to be disciple makers who must be sustained. We have witnessed great gains toward this end enough to create the people of God. People are shaped into do have the capacity to accomplish vital objectives in make disciple makers. If every local body of believers through these simple biblical principles driven by prayer, fasting, multiplying disciples of Jesus through personal and group Kingdom advancement. However, traditional approaches must have a building, it will hinder the speed of church and the Holy Spirit. discovery. 吀栀is builds their faith on the authority of Scripture. that operate from the conviction that churches must be planting, if by no other means than 昀椀nances. Believers 吀栀ere are appropriate times where teaching can enhance planted before disciples can be made should consider: everywhere can gather anywhere: in a church building, FCM invites you to explore the following observations we have continued discovery. However, an early reliance on teaching can is this the only approach needed? Is it possible that this in a home, beneath a tree, in a 昀椀eld, or even in prison. made in our journey with the Lord. We ask that as you read, pray stunt a disciple’s capacity to hear directly from God. 吀栀eir faith model promotes passive attendance instead of obedient Overall, however, buildings will be a reality for many for God to open your eyes to what He is doing and how you can becomes knowledge-based, dependent on teachers to reveal discipleship? What should we do about the growing churches in many cultures. join Him. truth. In DMM, people simply learn to hear from God and percentage of people who are not responding to this obey. Because it was simple and led by the Holy Spirit within approach, even in the West? Can it scale globally to reach Remember that Jesus’ 昀椀nal command ends with this promise: the 2.5 billion more people who will be on the planet by “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” them, they are able to replicate the process and help others do the same. 2050? Matthew 28:20 (NIV) 16 How We Work 17 Comnimperibus erio magnis evenis nime nim quam ilic test omnim voluptat o昀케cid minullabo. It et audaest, cus dem invero beaquis

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