While size isn't the main focus, many measure success by having The Power of over 100 churches and at least 1,000 believers. 吀栀is signi昀椀es a 3 widespread and self-sustaining movement. Final Command Movements Ministries sees a movement as a sustainable and generational multiplication of obedient disciple makers, leaders, and coaches. In 29years, over 1%of the world In less than 30 years, over 1% of the world population has come 24:14 is a global network of organizations, churches, and believers has come to faith 1 with the same heart to see every unreached people and place in Jesus through to faith in Jesus Christ through movements alone. engaged with an e昀昀ective kingdom movement strategy. 吀栀ey movements alone. Movements are drastically changing the world for Christ. describe the history and practice of movements: 吀栀rough a rapid growth of disciples primarily across the Global South, churches planted have grown from 1,219 in 1995 to m "When modern “kingdom movements” began to 6,879,000 in 2022. Today, there are over 1,966 movements emerge in the 1990s, the term “Church Planting responsible for this success across the globe, with an estimated Movements” (CPMs) was used to describe the 50,000 to 60,000 disciples per movement. 吀栀is equates to visible results… As CPMs emerged, best practice 115 million disciples who have come to faith in Jesus through strategies and tactics to make reproducing 2 disciples began to be identi昀椀ed and passed on. movements. God has shown his creativity by using several A movement is an expansion sets of disciple-making “tactics” or processes to result in CPMs. These include Disciple Making of Christian believers that Movements (DMM), Four Fields, and Training for endures across at least Trainers (T4T), as well as a variety of very fruitful indigenously developed approaches. Closer All movement- four generations and created disciples continuously grows by examination of these approaches indicates that: worldwide would 1) the CPM principles or strategies are mostly the account for of adding new generations in a same; 2) these approaches all are bearing fruit the U.S. population. relatively short time frame. by reproducing disciples and churches; and 3) all reciprocally in昀氀uence the other sets of tactics." 4 1995 1,219 God is at work among the nations. Please pray with us to see the 2022 6,879,000 Great Commission 昀椀nished in our lifetime. 6

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