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Numerous other business numbering systems exist independent of DUNS—for example, the International Suppliers Network system. However, few, if any, register as many international businesses as DUNS. Today the Dun and Bradstreet’s unique DUNS number is the most widely used worldwide method of identifying businesses. Dun & Bradstreet credit reports provide access to the Paydex score and a great deal of other valuable information. The business’s name, address, and phone number are on each report, along with the business’s history, including incorporation date, shares of business owners, and even information on directors, including resume details. D&B also lists any affiliations with that business and other businesses, other branches, even subsidiaries. D&B reports also include financial information such as known sales for the company and net worth (if known). They list the financial condition of the company, their own rating, the DUNS number, and a breakdown of what the Paydex score represents along with the actual score. Dun & Bradstreet further lists in their reports details on payments the business has made for each individual account, including their full payment record, their upper-credit limit, how much they currently owe on each account, how much is past due, what the terms of the account are, and when the account was reported and last updated. Extra information S&B provides includes detailed financial information for the business. This information might include current assets, liabilities, working capital, net worth, sales, new profit and loss, and more. D&B will even detail the actual assets and liabilities if these are known. Also included in D&B reports are public record information, including judgments, bankruptcies, other public filings, other liens, UCC filings, and government activity for that business. D&B reports also list payment details for each account. They also add detailed commentary to the report indicating payment patterns. The term “Antic” indicates that payments are typically received prior to the date of invoice (Anticipated). The term “Disc” means payments are received within the trade discount period (Discount). The term “Ppt” indicates that payments are received within terms granted (Prompt).

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