© Dom Moore There will be free Our Year is a chance to an eye out for events public talks, events explore the beautiful coming soon to this and displays including green spaces that multi-use creative special events to Wake昀椀eld has to o昀昀er. performance space. celebrate local The Moving Festival will community-led heritage showcase outdoor spaces The year rounds o昀昀 with projects. and encourage discovery our biggest ever Light and exploration through Up festival kicking o昀昀 Key to the North walking and cycling, the festive season in will bring a series of whilst highlighting key November. Expect a inspirational talks by cultural elements of the series of magical events leading authors and district. lighting up the district! creatives from across Yorkshire, sharing their Wake昀椀eld Exchange To 昀椀nd out about Our Year, visit stories and knowledge. will launch in 2024, ouryear2024.co.uk Acquire new skills and transforming a disused be inspired from talks landmark building in For more information, by professional chefs, the heart of Wake昀椀eld’s follow @OurYear2024 authors, and presenters. city centre into a unique on Twitter, Instagram creative hub. Keep and Facebook. www.experiencewake昀椀eld.co.uk 19
Wakefield Visitor Guide 2024 Page 18 Page 20