attractions simple, Trinity Walk and The See more at stopping at even rural Ridings shopping Travel venues like the National centres, The Hepworth Coal Mining Museum, Wake昀椀eld and various National Trust Nostell retail parks. and Yorkshire Sculpture The district’s market Park. Visit wymetro. town hubs of Pontefract for information. and Castleford are both just o昀昀 Junction Getting about within 32 of the M62 and are Wake昀椀eld city centre couldn’t be easier - just easily accessible by hop on the free city public transport. With bus! The free city bus three train stations, connects Westgate and Pontefract even has Kirkgate railway stations a regular direct train with the bus station service from London. So and many city centre there’s no excuse not to attractions, including come for a visit. Sithee Wake昀椀eld Museum, soon! www.experiencewake昀椀 37
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