Foreword The Wake昀椀eld District Destination Management Plan 2024-2029 provides us with a shared commitment to develop, manage, and market our visitor economy for the bene昀椀t of businesses, visitors, and local communities. Objectives set out in the plan were informed I invite you to join us - become an advocate for by extensive stakeholder engagement and the Wake昀椀eld district and support our vision to are underpinned by our commitment to o昀昀er put the place we call home on the map as compelling experiences in a safe and pleasant a must-visit cultural destination! environment, whilst providing our vibrant places with pro昀椀table businesses, quality jobs Councillor Michelle Collins and more visitors. Cabinet Member for Collaboration is the key to our future success. Culture, Leisure and Sport Our Destination Management Plan paves the way for us to work together, not only with partners across the district but also with our colleagues in West Yorkshire, to overcome some of the challenges we face, make the most of our tourism assets and ensure Wake昀椀eld becomes the sculpture capital of the UK, and the gateway to culture in the north. Image: KRA:FT 5
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