Consultation Strengths to Build On Areas to Fix • Be louder and prouder of culture and • More collaboration and partnership sculpture USP and work with others working to bene昀椀t the whole district (like WY LVEP) to reach wider markets – ‘big thinking’ • Make more of what does exist and • Increasing civic pride and what is in the pipeline e.g. more bridging the gap between tourism packaging of things and helping and residents people travel between attractions, • Improving the visitor welcome expanding the events programme and customer service to create • New developments bring with them a a sense of arrival new vibe and it is about making sure • A general need to sort the basics Wake昀椀eld is in the best place to capitalise on them and the right partnerships and networks are in place to do that Image: Rhubarb Shed 17
Wakefield Destination Management Plan Page 16 Page 18