SPOTLIGHT ON UNLIMITED Let’s hear from Jo Verrent, Director of Wakefield-based Unlimited and discover how they are involved this year! Tell us about Unlimited! Unlimited are a commissioning organisation for disabled artists. We work with artists from across the UK and commissioning work globally. How can people get involved with Disabled people make up 23% of the population Unlimited? but don’t get 23% of the opportunities or Follow us on social media @weareunltd and exposure, and we are here to change that. In come and see Hope in Wakefield too! You Wakefield, there is a higher proportion of can always spot our friendly Director Jo disabled people which makes this the perfect Verrent at arts events with her blue hair, please do come and say hi! place to make our new home! How is Unlimited getting involved in Our Year? If you lead an organisation involved in the Many ways! It is a busy year for us! arts we are also leading a project, funded by West Yorkshire Combined Authority, we are We are delivering Creativity Around the Corner – offering training and advice across West a project to engage local businesses with art. Yorkshire to improve accessibility – get in We are leading artist residencies and touch on celebrating new artworks with local [email protected] to find communities too. We are working with out more. Mohammad Barrangi and staff at NHS Mid Yorks Pinderfields Hospital, OE Electrics over in Calder This is My Year to... Park and the StreetScene team at Wakefield Really get to know my home district! I Council. moved to Agbrigg two years ago and I love it. But in 2024, with so much happening We are also leading Hope in Wakefield, a during Our Year, I want to make sure I join project working with Two Destination Language more local events and activities and Ukrainian artist Nadia Solenko. This banner- making project looks at what gives us hope, keeps us hopeful and what do to when hope is Find out more about the Creativity lost. Come and visit this beautiful and thoughtful Around the Corner project at exhibition in a library near you this summer and autumn. CULTURE IN OUR COMMUNITY 41

Our Year Programme 2 - July-December 2024 (Doorstep Discoveries) - Page 41 Our Year Programme 2 - July-December 2024 (Doorstep Discoveries) Page 40 Page 42