Sarah Kirby Louise Giovanelli 9 Nov 2024 - 22 Feb 2025 23 Nov 2024 - 27 Apr 2025 Sarah Kirby is a linocut printmaker Louise Giovanelli is a Manchester- based in Leicester. Throughout 2024 based artist who is known for her Kirby will be visiting the Yorkshire large-scale paintings that capture Sculpture Park to document her short-lived and sensual moments favourite walking routes and landmarks. using beautifully crafted textures and She will be drawing and taking vivid colour. Giovanelli will be creating photographs, discovering different a new body of work for this solo species of trees, and finding new views, exhibition at The Hepworth from which she will create a new body Wakefield. of work inspired by the unique features Forbidden Territories: 100 Years of of the Park. All works will be for sale. Surreal Landscapes Zarah Hussain: Paradise Carpet 23 Nov 2024 - 27 Apr 2025 16 Nov 2024 - Feb 2025 This major exhibition at The Hepworth The Art House is delighted to Wakefield marks 100 years of announce its winter exhibition, by the surrealism and will include paintings, British Muslim artist Zarah Hussain, photographs and sculptures by artists which combines a stunning fusion of including Salvador DalĂ­, Man Ray and animation, immersive light projections Lee Miller. and bold colourful artworks. Hope in Wakefield @ Pontefract Library Artwalk Wakefield 10 Jul - 22 Aug 2024 Throughout the year Artwalk is Wakefield's bi-monthly An exhibition of banners produced by evening celebrating art, performance, Two Destination Language, local music, heritage and socialising. It is a creators, refugees and asylum seekers. collaboration between local artists and The banners express the theme of venues in Wakefield City Centre, co- hope bringing together people from ordinated by a new community-led the district and those from afar. forum. Upcoming Artwalk dates: 31 Jul 2024, 25 Sep 2024 and 27 Nov 2024.. 6 BUILDING ON BRILLIANCE

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