STRATEGIC GOALS EPIC IS THE PREMIER BUSINESS Public and Private Investment ORGANIZATION ADVOCATING FOR Increase public and private investment in early childhood EARLY CHILDHOOD SOLUTIONS, infrastructure, solutions, and supports for families FACILITATING ROBUST PUBLIC, MEASURES PRIVATE, AND COMMUNITY > Increase investment into early childhood solutions by employers partnered with EPIC INVESTMENT AND POLICIES SO > Increase the amount of annual public investment into infrastructure, ALL FAMILIES HAVE ACCESS TO capital, and workforce needs for early care and education HIGH-QUALITY, AFFORDABLE > Increase private investments to develop and expand early care and EARLY CARE AND EDUCATION education solutions led or supported by EPIC EXPERIENCES FOR THEIR CHILDREN, ALLOWING THEM TO Child Care Supply PARTICIPATE IN THE LABOR FORCE. Increase child care supply with a focus on the ages and communities with the highest need to ensure families have adequate access to high-quality, equitable early care and education. MEASURES > Increase number of child care slots and decrease the child care need gap > Increase direct impact on child care slots and the need gap through EPIC programs and initiatives > Decrease barriers to start-up and long-term sustainability for child care business entrepreneurs and operators Employer and Business Engagement Increase the number of employers and business organizations WHAT’S GOOD FOR actively supporting early childhood benefit solutions, investments, CHILDREN IS GOOD advocacy, and/or community partnerships. FOR BUSINESS MEASURES > Increase in number of EPIC Members, Sponsorships, and Partnerships > Increase in number of EPIC Business Leaders engaging in policy develop- ment, advocacy, and lobbying > Increase in number of EPIC Members participating in EPIC programs, initiatives, and events
EPIC BOD Onboarding Packet 2023 Page 12 Page 14