Types of eBooks Ebooks are of two types, interactive and static. Static eBooks: Static eBooks look like traditional books, comprise of pages and come in the PDF format. The customer can flip the pages of these eBooks in smartphones and tablets. You can include various links and table of contents in these eBooks. This will provide the reader with the opportunity to directly visit the page which he wants to read. Interactive eBooks: Interactive eBooks have additional narrative features and they complement the communication if really professional interactive eBooks conversion service providers are engaged for the job. The reader can do away with the linear process of interaction. Each element of content stands separately and emphasis is laid over the visuals, which are placed along with the text. You can readily update them and experiment with these eBooks to suit your needs; there is always the provision of associating with a skilled interactive eBook creator. Irrespective of the nature of eBooks, companies seek the expertise of professional eBook writers to engage their customers with fresh information. These act as strong marketing instruments. Various interactive mate- rials like charts, infographics and maps can be used in eBooks. Assessing your requirements, you can incorporate animation, audio, video, quizzes and GIFs in eBooks to make them effective. Whatever eBook you choose, you have to deal with your audience about the product and services in the eBooks. Present them in an innovative manner to retain the level of interest. Moreover, you need to keep factors like time and budget in your mind at the same time.
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