SOCIOLOGY SPANISH A Level Units % of A Level A Level Units % of A Level Socialisation, culture and identity Paper 1 Listening, Reading and Writing 50% 30% Section A: Introducing socialisation, culture and identity, Section B: Media Paper 2 Writing (Cultural topics) 20% Researching and understanding social inequalities Section A: Research methods and researching social inequalities 35% Speaking exam 30% Section B: Understanding social inequalities Assessment: all papers sat at the end of the second year of the course. Crime and Deviance Theoretical debates and how these relate to a contemporary global society. 35% Section A: Globalisation and the digital social world Students taking 3 other A levels can choose to take AS Section B: Crime and deviance Super-Curriculum Spanish in June of Year 12. There are three papers: Listening, reading and writing (45%), Writing (25%) and Students participate in the Stroud lectures in Speaking (30%) and the course is taught alongside A level Course Outline Super-Curriculum November, where they learn about a variety in Year 12. of modern Hispanic topics. Work Experience In Sociology, students study the relationship between the The Sociology department organise in Spain in October half term, February half individual and society by analysing human relationships and the trips to attend national Sociology term or the Easter holidays. Students are also role of institutions and social processes. We explore a range of conferences aimed at A Level invited to participate in the Spanish social issues such as why some people behave in certain ways, students, attend crown court to learn Course Outline exchange to Galapagar, near Madrid, with why some suffer more disadvantage than others and how agents more about the legal system and students their age. Spanish at Denmark Road is vibrant, enjoyable and of socialisation such as the family, and religion can impact our apply our learning to real life engaging in equal measure. Students study a variety of sense of identity and our life chances. situations and we are keen to engage topics relevant to the young adult such as equal rights, with wider media and literature and multiculturalism, artistic culture in the Hispanic world and Students are introduced to working as and thinking like a will engage with opportunities where Subject Specific popular movements. sociologist by learning the methodology of sociological research appropriate. We learn more about the and the language that accompanies it. way society is structured and Entry Requirements Lessons, where Spanish is the primary language of controlled by attending Crown Court teaching, are student centered and focus on all key skill Sociology allows students to make sense of the society in which and visiting the Houses of Parliament. 6 or equivalent in Spanish at GCSE and areas: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students they live and to understand their responsibility to others. It is a 6 or Equivalent in English Language. Exciting refreshments to the also see the Spanish Assistant Eloisa each week for oral subject that can remove blinkers and give students the knowledge specification will enliven the A level practice in small groups. to make a difference. Society and sociological ideas constantly specification from September 2025. If evolve. In response to this, we use a variety of contemporary you would like to find out more about Contact The Spanish department is very well resourced with media and IT in lessons to enable students to apply sociological these visit A refreshed Sociology A learning aids such as kerboodle and a suite of dedicated theory effectively. Level for today’s students laptops. Mr V Groom, Subject Leader for Careers Subject Specific Spanish All students are strongly encouraged to spend time in [email protected] Students are encouraged to develop a sociological Spain during their course. The Spanish department helps Entry Requirements perspective, which allows them to connect their personal students with work experience trips to Spain, where most 6 or equivalent in Sociology or 6 or issues to public concerns and to understand the relationship recently they have worked in the tourist office in Segovia to Equivalent in English Language at between individuals and the wider society. This understanding improve their linguistic skills. GCSE if Sociology not studied at GCSE. enables individuals and communities to resolve specific social issues. Many Sociology students make use of their sociological skills and experience to pursue occupations within research, Contact Careers while others prefer to go into the private sector. Mrs J Waskett, Subject Leader for Universities are always keen to take on students Sociology [email protected] with A levels in Spanish as the skills acquired, Specific careers include Teaching, Law, Social work, the Police, from oral communication and essay writing to roles within the Justice System, Aid organisations, the Charities an ability to learn something new and analyse sector, Human Rights, and Journalism. are transferable to just about any other subject. At university, Spanish is frequently studied on its Sociology students are expected to carry out independent own, but more often with one or more research and to analyse each new perspective they are languages, sometimes learnt from ‘scratch’, or taught. These skills mean that an A Level in Sociology leads with a wide choice of other subjects. In a well into further study of Sociology, Criminology, Law, country where students with high level Psychology, Politics, English and History. Students of Sociology language skills are increasingly frequently few never forget the impact it has on the way they see the world, and far between, employers are always looking and this is a useful addition to any career. for these applicants. 28 29

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