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Recommended Measures of Success Measures NEWSLETTER Increase in subscribers Increase by category of reader: Parents, educators, business (based on self- identification, when available to fuel a Responsive Design approach) SOCIAL New followers Increased sharing, commenting, tagging, re-posting BUSINESS Increase in corporate donors Increase in corporate and employee engagement (measure through Community of Practice Partnership tiers: levels of activity for Bronze, Gold, Silver) Increase in organic message amplification COMMUNITY Increase in participation Increase in message amplification Increase in student participation initiated from parental exposure to new messaging and campaigns WEBSITE Increase in social traffic Decrease bounce rates 2021-22 top three non-search engine traffic source bounce rates: 91.2% 79.1% 100% VOLUME PR & ENGAGEMENT SCIENCE LAB | 5 4 FOR IDAHO STEM ACTION CENTER

Communication Audit & Civil Influence for Idaho STEM Action Center - Page 54 Communication Audit & Civil Influence for Idaho STEM Action Center Page 53 Page 55