AAUUDDIITT AANNAALLYYSSIISS && RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDAATTIIOONNSS aannaallyyssiiss Volume PR conducted a comprehensive audit of Idaho STEM Action Center’s communication, messaging, Audience Shifts: marketing, advertising, social media, and audience engagement strategies. The analysis first considered language and materials relative to communication best practices, as well as the latest psychological and behavior influence science. The audit then analyzed communication and strategy from the perspective of Civil Influence – how to tune engagement to catalyze agreement and change while respecting civility, disavowing manipulation marketing methods such as hyper-stimulation of fear, scarcity, and other pain and negative emotion-based methods to achieve mutual maximum benefit between business, societal and humanitarian impact. Is communication shared in ways that deepen understanding, connection, and audience change? Are there civil language shifts that better align with audience preference? Recommended strategic shifts are organized across five areas of communication and engagement: Audience Shifts 01 Message Shifts 02 Strategic Shifts 03 Content Shifts 04 Collaboration Shifts 05 Adoption of these changes will tune organizational messages and strategies to maximize the ethical accomplishment of all of its audience awareness, understanding, and behavior goals. VOLUME PR & ENGAGEMENT SCIENCE LAB | 1 1 I DAHO STEMAC | 11 FOR IDAHO STEM ACTION CENTER
Communication Audit & Civil Influence for Idaho STEM Action Center Page 10 Page 12