02 Message Shifts: Messages are the primary way we reach the world. In our noisy, post-pandemic world, some key business message norms turn off more audiences than they successfully engage. The following pages detail the fundamental recommended message shifts to make across all individual and institutional messaging to achieve the most rapid states of understanding and change from audiences while also engaging with respect to Civil Codes of Conduct: Shift from Thin to Thick Evaluation Language 01 Norms Civil Influence Shifts & Change to Respect & 02 Collaboration Create Based on the Science of How the Mind 03 Makes Sense Replace Manipulation-Based Engagement Norms 04 with Education-Based Engagement Forms For example, most companies and messages focus on the pain/gain/fear as the base of their message. STEMAC’s primary message is a fear-focused message, centered on the future workforce concerns that are present without a change in participation rates. Behavioral and Civil messaging reveals greater shifts in audience understanding and participation by motivating change from base messaging that align with opportunity to accelerate individual and institutional success rather than a focus on the pain/problem when delivered in concert with Behavioral and Civil Influence aligned strategies. The following outlines the shifts recommended to bring messaging into alignment with Behavioral and Civil communication. Message recommendations specific to STEMAC messages are detailed including hero, subhead, key, one-sentence, and boilerplate messaging recommendations. VOLUME PR & ENGAGEMENT SCIENCE LAB | 1 4 FOR IDAHO STEM ACTION CENTER
Communication Audit & Civil Influence for Idaho STEM Action Center Page 13 Page 15