Climate Chronicles

A climate change tale and cartoon collection by Echo Games CIC and friends

CLIMATE CHRONICLES A Climate Change Tale and Cartoon Collection April 2023

LL CA FOR AC TI ON Help prevent Climate Change by … REDUCING ENERGY USE » Use LEDs or other low-energy light bulbs » Turn off lights and appliances when you don’t need them » Put on an extra layer and turn down the heat- ing a degree or two » Use a water-ef昀椀cient showerhead » Switch energy supply to a green tariff » Insulate your doors, windows, loft or roof » Wash your laundry with cold water » Hang clothes to dry instead of using a dryer Janette Holsti 3

LL CA FOR AC TI ON Help prevent Climate Change by … AVOIDING SINGLE-USE PLASTICS » Switch to reusable cups » Switch to reusable water bottles » Switch to reusable shopping bags » Go to Zero Waste Shops Daniela De Angeli 5

LL CA FOR AC TI ON Help prevent Climate Change by … CUTTING WCUTTING WASASTETE » Avoid single-use items and fast fashion » Do not buy more than you need » Shop second-hand or items that last a long time » Repair and reuse » Donate unwanted items to charity or sell them Libby Liukkonen 7

LL CA FOR AC TI ON Help prevent Climate Change by … AVOIDING OCEAN-HARMING PRODUCTS AND PRACTICES LIKE: » Plastic bags » Cosmetics containing microplastics » Jewellery made of coral or sea turtle shells » Seafood from not sustainable sources. Consult the guide from the Marine Conservation Socie- ty:昀椀shguide/ Daniela De Angeli 9

’TIS THE SEASON 20TH CENTURY LL CA FOR AC TI ON 21ST CENTURY Help prevent Climate Change by … NOT WASTING FOOD » Buy only the food you need » Store leftovers in glass containers » Be creative with your leftovers, e.g. make a soup or a sandwich » Share extras with your friends and neighbours » Contribute to a local food-sharing scheme » Compost CLINT CASANO Clint Casano 11

LL CA FOR AC TI ON Help prevent Climate Change by … SHOPPING LOCAL Buy local and seasonal clothes and foods. In this way, you support local businesses and farms in your area. You also reduce fossil fuel emissions associat- ed with transport Grow your own vegetables/fruit. If you don’t have outdoor space, consider setting up a community garden in your neighbourhood or getting involved with an existing one Daniela De Angeli 13

LL CA FOR AC TI ON Help prevent Climate Change by … MAKING YOUR VOICE HEARD Contact your Member of Parliament, local coun- cillors and city mayors to tell them that action on climate change is important Do your research on candidates and vote for lead- ers at all levels of government who take climate change seriously Search for local/national petitions or lobbies. For example, through Reddit or by contacting local sections of Greenpeace, Youth Strike 4 Climate or Extinction Rebellion Michał Fluder 15

LL CA FOR AC TI ON Help prevent Climate Change by … KEEPING IT CLEAN! Do not leave litter behind on the ground, e.g. in parks, beaches or other public spaces because it: » Hampers efforts to recycle effectively » Can be extremely expensive for the city to handle » Is extremely dangerous for park life such as squirrels, hedgehogs, and birds Daniela De Angeli 17

Bee Whispers It was a sunny day. Too sunny. After weeks of heavy rains and storms, Meanwhile, from the hive’s point of view, the giants were approach- the droughts and heatwaves plagued the town like a curse from ing. And this time it was not one, but two of them. above. Many beekeepers worried about how this could impact their ‘GUARDS! GUARDS!’, signalled one of the bees to the others. ‘We little honey-making friends, but there was one beekeeper in particular have movement here. Code G2, I repeat, code G2.’ who grew very concerned about their future. ‘Anna, it’s so hot… I can barely stand being outside. What do you think The word spread quickly and a bee general arrived promptly to assess we should do?’ asked Bethany. the situation. ‘Not sure’, replied Anna, ‘I was thinking about starting my own little ‘Have we established the giants’ intention?’, asked the general. garden to get my little friends some food’. ‘No, sir’, replied the guard who spotted the giants in the 昀椀rst place. ‘It’s ‘Your little friends?’ not Tuesday yet. They shouldn’t be here.’ Anna stared out the kitchen window looking concerned and said, ‘I ‘Alright, let’s see what they want, but remain on high alert.’ really have to tell them…’ One of the giants leaned in as the bees stared into the white-suited ‘Tell who, about what?!’ said Bethany impatiently. creature intensely. The creature started to tell the bees all about their concerns and the bees created a long line to pass the information to ‘The bees! I have to tell the bees about the drought. It’s like a bee- the Queen as they received it. keeper’s law!’ ‘What are they saying?’, the bees in line started getting impatient as they wanted to pass information as quickly as possible. 19

‘They’re saying: Folks, we have a big issue…’, said the bee on the front. ‘What? A bad tissue?’, replied the one behind it. And so, through many whispers, the words have 昀椀nally reached the Queen. With the changing climate, bees struggle to adapt ‘My Queen, the giants stopped by to say: Yolks, we have a bad tissue. to the new conditions and habitat loss. The trout is fasting for a long time and hours are 昀氀ying off. There’s no Fortunately, just like Anna and Bethany, you can crow or goose anymore.‘ help them! When a bee-friendly garden isn’t an option, you can install pollinator-friendly window boxes instead. Our choice of honey also plays a part - remember to choose local and sustainable honey. The Queen’s whisper translator stepped forward. And always bee friendly towards our little friends! ‘Folks, we have a big issue. The drought is lasting for a long time and Help prevent Climate Change by … 昀氀owers are dying off. I don’t know what to do anymore.’ The panic started spreading like wild昀椀re as the news travelled beyond HELPING THE BEES! the hive and across the world. If there are no 昀氀owers, then there is no pollen. If there is no pollen, there is no food. And if there is no food, there is no hive. How could the bees survive without a hive? Food and habitat loss quickly became a scary possibility and unluckily LL for the bees, they couldn’t do much on their own to remedy the situ- CA ation… FOR Unsure of the impact, Anna decided to follow her instincts. With Beth- any’s help, she made her garden bee-friendly by adding 昀氀owers and AC TI installing an insect hotel. Luckily, this provided her little honey-making ON friends with shelter and more places to forage pollen and nectar from. They also noticed the heat is getting to some of the bees and pre- pared special sugar treats to revive those tired workers and help them get through their day. 21

Credits LL CA Creative Director Daniela De Angeli Artists FOR Janette Holsti Daniela De Angeli AC TI ON Libby Liukkonen Clint Casano Michał Fluder Writer Karolina Łatka Help prevent Climate Change by … SPREADING THE WORD! Producers » Share information about climate change with your friends, family and co-workers This booklet was produced by Echo Games CIC » Suggest relevant petitions or some of the calls for action listed in this booklet Echo Games is a Community Interest Company that creates ‘seriously fun’ games and interactive experiences to engage your visitors in a meaningful way Email: [email protected] Website: Company number: 11880981 23