WALLS PRODUCT FOCUS ReTac Textures Permanently Peelable Embossed Film for her and her client.” art converted into a ReTac Textured embossed Posting as @hello.itsmatilda, textured wallpaper design polymeric PVC film enables the artist took to Instagram to – printed by the amazing @ you to install, reposition, and share photos of her original boylanimaging. They print remove graphics without botanical work, the installation vinyl wallpaper that can be leaving residue on the surface of the wall covering and the easily applied and removed - even years later. It has an colourful finished project – without losing adhesion and embossed canvas, sand, linen attracting several glowing leaving no residue when or woodgrain-like finish that comments. She said: “Dream removed.” adds depth and visual appeal come true! My illustration “Drytac is a great company to static, flat graphics. converted to wallpaper for that offers a variety of the first time …One of the products. Their service is first and very exciting projects great as well,” says John here in Canada! Hand painted Boylan.