CASE STUDY The Diablo is in the detail: Drytac ReTac appears at The Mirage in Las Vegas APPLICATION : Screaming Images chose Drytac ReTac Textures Canvas to complete dramatic wall murals in a new restaurant at The Mirage hotel and casino complex in Las Vegas. A new restaurant at The Mirage skeleton design. coverings, Screaming Images hotel and casino complex in Las Las Vegas grand format print chose Drytac ReTac Textures Vegas is featuring dramatic wall and installation company in Canvas, a matte white murals printed on Drytac ReTac Screaming Images printed and phthalate-free polymeric PVC Textures. fitted the murals, drawing on film with an embossed textured Opened in 1989, the 3,044- 18 years’ experience working finish. In addition to Canvas, room Mirage is a staple of the on projects from the worlds of ReTac Textures is available in Las Vegas Strip, featured in sport, retail and entertainment. Sand, Linen and Woodgrain, dozens of movies including It counts MGM, the Raiders, all offering a textured finish 2001’s Ocean’s Eleven. Its latest NFL, NBA, Kawasaki and Shoe that gives an extra visual and attraction is Diablo’s Cantina Palace amongst its customers. touchable element to high- restaurant, newly open, which is To achieve the depth and quality artwork. decorated in vibrant wall murals visual appeal required for ReTac Textures polymeric with a Mexican-inspired fiery the incredible Diablo’s wall self-adhesive vinyl features