CASE STUDY ArtSoft weathers temperature challenges to collect award with Drytac Polar Premium APPLICATION ArtSoft Expo Solutions has completed an eye-catching project for the Grocery Innovations Canada conference in challenging weather conditions, thanks to Drytac Polar Premium printable vinyl. ArtSoft Expo Solutions has included a building wrap design as if one seamless piece of completed an eye-catching inspired by virtual reality – an work, and for the installation project for the Grocery application recognized by Big team to apply the design Innovations Canada conference Picture magazine’s Best of Wide quickly and without problems. in challenging weather Format Awards. Every step of the process conditions, thanks to Drytac On such a large-scale design, depended on using the right Polar Premium printable vinyl. it was essential for ArtSoft’s printable media. Joe Chan, For three consecutive years, in-house designer to carefully President, ArtSoft Expo ArtSoft has worked with cross-check elements to enable Solutions, comments: “We the Canadian Federation of application with minimal issues, tested over ten different types Independent Grocers on its for the production team to of adhesive vinyl to find the Grocery Innovations Canada ensure the final product’s print best to install onto glass and event. Most recently, this project consistency to make it appear aluminium trim. At the end we