CASE STUDY Anabella Bergero and Mimaki USA celebrate Latinx heritage with Drytac window graphics. APPLICATION Drytac ViziPrint Impress Clear film was used to produce a stunning window installation that explored gender identity, religious iconography and Latin American Pop Art. The wide-format division of religious iconography and Latin advantage of lighting from printer manufacturer Mimaki American pop art. Latinx is both inside and outside the recently collaborated with gender-neutral term for people venue. He explains: “During creative professional Anabella of Latin American cultural or the day, it created a striking Bergero to produce a striking ethnic identity in the US. wall art piece with the outdoor window installation, printed Mimaki USA, a long-term user light shining in, and during the on Drytac ViziPrint Impress of Drytac materials, selected evening, it transformed the area Clear film. Produced for the Drytac ViziPrint Impress with a backlit effect from the ‘Constructing Identities’ MUSA Clear for the project. Ernest indoor lighting. “The ease of exhibition in Miami, Florida, the Contreras, Print Solution installation and removal of the window mural was designed to Supervisor at Mimaki USA, graphics were very important recreate a Latinx visual universe, said the use of this film meant aspects of the decision to use exploring gender identity, the piece was able to take Drytac ViziPrint as the windows