WALLS PRODUCT FOCUS ReTac Smooth 150 Permanently Peelable Film team to overcome a particularly applied first with the other ReTac Smooth 150 polymeric tricky challenge when it came to components installed on PVC film enables you to installing the graphics. top. This method allows install, reposition, and remove “The base wall had been the client to change the graphics without leaving painted over vinyl graphics, message if required, update residue on the surface - even creating a difficult surface to the marketing and add years later. ReTac Smooth 150 adhere any type of graphics components to the wall has several fire ratings, making film to,” Global Printing without removal of the entire it ideal for use on most indoor Enterprises President Carlo graphic,” Carlo said. “The surfaces in public areas that Toscano said. “In consultation science behind the adhesive require compliance with strict with Drytac, we decided to is genius, and without it we fire regulations, such as retail use an old school multi-layer couldn’t have completed stores, airports, hotels and installation technique. The this project in the manner hospitals. black and purple graphics were we did.”