WALLS PRODUCT FOCUS ReTac Smooth 150 Permanently Peelable Film used an HP 3000 Latex printer making it suitable for most ReTac Smooth 150 polymeric running two rolls of Drytac indoor surfaces in public PVC film enables you to ReTac Smooth 150 concurrently. areas. install, reposition, and remove ReTac Smooth 150 is a 6 “Drytac ReTac Smooth 150 graphics without leaving mil (150μ) white polymeric was recommended to us residue on the surface - even printable PVC film coated with for its concealing abilities, years later. ReTac Smooth 150 Drytac’s innovative ReTac ultra- especially on drywall with has several fire ratings, making removable adhesive technology taped seams, with no it ideal for use on most indoor to allow easy installation, lamination required,” says surfaces in public areas that repositioning and removal. It Carlo Toscano. “Installers require compliance with strict has excellent compatibility with also commented that they fire regulations, such as retail UV, solvent and eco-solvent ink liked using this product as it stores, airports, hotels and technologies as well as latex, was easy to use and install.” hospitals. and has a Class 0 fire rating