CASE STUDY FastSigns Kitchener-Waterloo brings colour to the streets of Ontario with Drytac APPLICATION The signs and graphics specialist used Drytac Polar Smooth 150 film to produce colourful window graphics to catch the attention of passers-by in the Ontario city of Cambridge. The Kitchener-Waterloo branch their exciting plans amongst on the outside of second- of the FastSigns franchise members of the community. floor windows, with the aim of recently used Drytac Polar For this project, FastSigns drawing attention to the new Smooth 150 matte white Kitchener-Waterloo linked opportunities at the location. polymeric film to create a series up with HIP Developments In total, the company was of striking window graphics to on a project in the Gaslight tasked with creating 32 window promote a major development District, which focused on the graphics each measuring project. Specialising in signs and transformation of an existing approximately 3ft wide x 6ft graphics, FastSigns Kitchener- building and making additional high. The main challenge for Waterloo regularly works with commercial space available the company was temperature, developers to support their for lease. FastSigns Kitchener- with the job taking place during projects in the region and Waterloo’s role was to produce Ontario’s harsh winter. As such, help spread the word about and install window graphics they required a material that