CASE STUDY Warwick Printing builds excitement for new store with striking Drytac graphics APPLICATION : Warwick Printing has installed a huge storefront wall graphic using Drytac ReTac, building excitement for a new beauty store. In March 2020 Warwick Printing about this store judging by the “We chose Drytac ReTac undertook a substantial wall comments heard during the because we have used it graphics project to promote install’. previously and know the a new Sephora store in Park He explains that his team properties of it, what to expect Place Mall in Lethbridge. worked with a USA-based when printing and installing. Sephora sells cosmetics and design firm on the hoarding, Because the panels were very beauty products from over which measured 54” wide by wide (52”) and were over 12 2,600 stores in 34 countries 12” high (16.5m x 3.7m). feet tall we wanted a fairly thick, around the world, attracting “We did a site survey, sent the stable vinyl and also one that loyal customers and a significant updated specs to their design would be easy to remove in a following online. team, and had the files back couple of months.” Lee Weighill, Owner of Warwick printed and installed within four Drytac ReTac Smooth 150 Printing, says that it ‘seems to five days. The actual install is a polymeric printable many people are excited took about six hours,” says Lee. PVC film coated with ReTac