CASE STUDY Drytac SpotOn used on Emmerdale bus at Leeds Pride APPLICATION The Scenic Design Department within ITV Studio used SpotOn White to cover an entire bus for the Leeds Pride Parade for the cast of Emmerdale. The Leeds Pride parade Sabur Inks, who also supplied beer pumps in The Woolpack featured an open-top double- a quantity of Drytac SpotOn pub. This work has to be of decker bus wrapped for the for use with the new system. high quality – it will be seen occasion by the team behind Drytac’s easy to apply, easy to by millions of viewers – but Emmerdale‘s on-screen remove products are ideally completed quickly, and is graphics – using Drytac easily suited to the work done by the typically very short term. removable graphics materials. Emmerdale in-house graphics “Our graphics may only be The Scenic Design Department team, who work with both the in place for a day – a week at within the Yorkshire-based soap, Art Director and Production most – and are often applied part of ITV Studios, installed Director to design and produce over existing signage or vehicle a new Roland TrueVIS VG2 all printed work that is seen graphics that must remain printer/cutter in summer 2019. on-screen – including sets, retail intact after ours are removed,” The device was bought from signage, vehicle graphics, and he explains. “We went to Sign