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SC 1121 WASSCE (SC) 2021 MARKETING 1 Objective Test 50 minutes Name: Index Number: THE WEST AFRICAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for School Candidates, 2021 SC 2021 MARKETING 1 50 minutes Objective Test Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. While you are waiting, write your name and index number in the spaces provided at the top right-hand corner of this booklet and thereafter, read the following instructions carefully. 1. Use HB pencil throughout. 2. If you have got a blank answer sheet, complete its top section as follows. (a) In the space marked Name, write in capital letters your surname followed by your other names. (b) In the spaces marked Examination, Year, Subject and Paper, write 'WASSCE (SC)','2021'3 'MARKETING', and '1' respectively. (c) In the box marked Index Number, write your index number vertically in the spaces on the left-hand side. There are numbered spaces in line with each digit. Shade carefully the space with the same number as each digit. (d) In the box marked Paper Code, write the digits 112112 in the spaces on the left-hand side. Shade the corresponding numbered spaces in the same way as for your index number. (ej In the box marked Sex, shade die space marked M if you are male, or F if you are female. 3. If you have got a pre-printed answer sheet, check that the details are correctly printed, as described in 2 above. In the boxes marked Index Number , Paper Code and Sex, reshade each of the shaded spaces. 4. An example is given below. This is for a male candidate whose name is Chinedu Oladapo DIKKO, whose index number is 4251102068 and who is offering Marketing 1. THE WEST AFRICAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS DIKKO CHINEDU OLADAPO Surname Other Names Examination: WASSCE (SC) Year 2021 Subject: . MARKETING Paper: _ 1_ INDEX NUMBER i -L E z. £ I cOa c1 a 1-23 c3a"4"c5a c6a t7acji c9a cOicn 3 c4i c$3c6) «=9a cOa C1 3 c2a c3a c4a «*ÿ c6a c7a c8a c9a cOa mtm c2a c3a c4a c5a c6a c7a =8a c9* cOa c2a c3a c4a cSÿ c6a c7a c8a c9a «#ac1 a c2ac3ac4a c5ÿc6a e7ac8a e9a cOa c1 3 afts c3a c4a c5= =6= c7a c8a (=9? ÿe*ctac2ac3ac43cSac6ac73c8ac:9a c0ael3c2ac3ae43cSa"9«c73c8ac93 cQa cl a c2a c3a c4a c5ÿc6a c73»#«c9a For Supervisors only. It candidate is absent shade this apace: I - 1 PAPER CODE 1 1 2 [J 1 2 cOa C2a c3a c4a cSa c6a c7a e8a c9a 0» «a»c2a c3a e4a c5ac6a c7a c6a c9a :9a eta am»c33c4ac5ae63 c7ac8a c9a cOaa+a c2: c3a c4a c5a cfia c7a e8a c9a cOaada e2a c3a e4a c5ac6a c7ac8a c9a c03c1awc:3a :4ac5ac6ac7ac8ac9a SEX Indicate your sex by shading the space marked M (for Male) or F (for Female) In thia box: M F INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. -Use grade HB pencil throughout. 2. Answer each question by choosing one letter and shading It like this: (A] [B] [C] 3. Erase completely any answerfe) you wish to chanqe. 4. Leave extra spaces blank i the answer spaces provided are more than you need. 5. Do not make any markings across the heavy black marks at the right-hand edge of your answer sheet. __ - ÿ ÿ _ 03 S 1 1 1204 5 2021 The- West African Examinations Council