PAPER II Answer four questions. 1 (a) Define "dead heat" in Athletics? (2 marks) (b) Mention five qualities of a hurdler (5 marks) (c) List three segments of the vertebra colomn (3 marks) 2 (a) Mention three activities under each of the following: (3 marks) i. Trunk exercise (3 marks) ii. Arm exercise (2 marks) (b) Define linear motion in relation to physical activities. (2 marks) (c) State two ways in which the Adopted Physical Education Programme is important (2 marks) 3. (a) List three methods of arresting bleeding. (3 marks) (b) Give four components of Physical Education programme. (4 marks) (c) Mention three types of shock. (3 marks) 4. (a) State four effects of exercise on digestion. (4 marks) (b) List two causes of muscle cramp (2 marks) (c) Explain the following terms: (3 marks) i. bruise (2 marks) i. blood pressure (2 marks) 5. (a) Define heart rate? (2 marks) (b) State four structural limit to flexibility. (4 marks) (c) List four factors that promote personal health. (4 marks) 6. (a) List five rules that determine kick off in soccer. (5 marks) (b) Mention three types of trapping in soccer (3 marks) (c) Explain the term “man-to-man defence” in Basketball? (2 marks) Want more Physical Education SSCE Exam Questions Get the complete NECO Physical Education Exam Past Questions Paper (Obj & Essay in PDF or Ms-Word from us Continue reading to know how WHATSAPP +2348051311885

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