SCHOOL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUA L If you have started or about to start a school business and you are yet to compile school policies that will guide your old and new employees in the day to day running of your school with or without your presence or input, then this school policy templates are for you. This READY - MADE TEMPLATE is for Every School Business owner in Nigeria. It is time to organize and structure your business. School policies are put in place to guide the day - to - day functioning of the school as well as to make it safe and an e ffective place for learning to occur. It is a set of established expectations for specific behavior and norms within a school. Importance of School Policy or why you should have one. 1. Openly define rules and regulation in a proper documented manner. 2. Let your staff have knowledge of what you approved/disapprove on specific issue. 3. Better quality service – when procedure are followed, task are perform correctly; business can be run in your absence without issue 4. Accountability - Everyone knows what is expected of them, errors are minimize, penalties are well spelt out, decision taken by staff or management does not come with surprise. 5. Serve as a reference guide to what the company stands by What is Inside the School Policy Template? St atutory Duties of the School Head (Pry or Sec.) Responsibilities VPs, HODs, Class Teachers Staff Discipline Procedures Discipline Code of Conduct Teachers Performance Appraisal Staff Recruitment Procedures & Documents School Records Parents and PTA Issues Co - curricular Activities School Clubs Teachers Monitoring and Teaching Methods Class Management School Safety and Security School Asset Management