SECTION - GENERAL MATHEMATICSGENERAL MATHEMATICS 1. Express Two ThousaTwo Thousand Nine Hundrnd Nine Hundreed and Fd and Forty-Six in Roman numeral?Roman numeral? A.MMXMCLVI B.MCMMLXVIB.MCMMLXVI C. MMCMLXVI D. MMOMXLVI D. MMOMXLVI E. MMXCMLVI 2. What is the average of thee fo following set of numbers: 456,llowing set of numbers: 456,32,23,197,32,23,197,674,980 and 235?674,980 and 235? A. 251 B. 38I C.371 D. 361 E. 431 3. A total of 480 oranges w480 oranges weerree shar shareed among Kad among Kayoyode, de, UUzochukwu and zochukwu and IdrisuIdrisu in th in thee rati ratio o 3:4:5 respectively. If K3:4:5 respectively. If Kayodeayode gave 17 ogave 17 of hf his orangesis oranges t to Idrisuo Idrisu, h, howow many oranges wemany oranges werree left left with Kayode? A. 137 B. 120 C. 117 D. 217 E.103 4. What is the quotient of 584 and 8?584 and 8? A. 73 B.4672 C. 576 D. 592 E. 520 5. What is theWhat is the d diffiffeerreencncee betweenbetween 3 gr 3 grossoss and 9 and 9 dozens? dozens? A. 432 B. 324 C.108 D. 96 E. 180 6. The market price of a refrigeet price of a refrigeratrator is or is N175,00175,000. What will be the0. What will be the cash price ifcash price if a discount of 9% is allowed? A. N159,250 B. N15,75015,750 C. NI90.750 D. NI85.250I85.250 E. N69,750 7. What is theWhat is the voluvolummee of cylinof cylinder bder below assuming pieelow assuming pie (π) is 22/7?(π) is 22/7? 3 33 3 3 3 A. 420cm B. 481.25cm C. 76cm D. 560cm E. 48.16cmE. 48.16cm 8. If 15 boys can complete thIf 15 boys can complete thIf 15 boys can complete theee c c cleaning of a building in 8days, how lleaning of a building in 8days, how lleaning of a building in 8days, how long willong willong will it it it takes 20 boys takes 20 boys takes 20 boys to finished the same piece of job if they work at sampiece of job if they work at samee rat ratee?? A. 10 days B. 12days C. 6days D.4days E.20days 9. JamesJamesJames tr tr treeekked a kked a kked a distdistdistaaancencence of 75km i of 75km i of 75km in 2hours 30 minutes. What was his speed in n 2hours 30 minutes. What was his speed in n 2hours 30 minutes. What was his speed in kilometer per hours? A. 25km/hr B. 28km/hr C. 30km/hr D. 35km/hr E.38km/hr 10. If X reeprepresents thsents thee product product of 8 and 32. Find the square root of Xof 8 and 32. Find the square root of X A.3 B.8 C.24 D.64 E.16 11. What is theWhat is the value of x in the diagram bvalue of x in the diagram beelowlow? A. 25 B. 35 C. 15 D.45 E.40 12. What is theWhat is the next number in the serinext number in the series 337, 342,es 337, 342, 348,355. A. 363 B. 362 C. 360 D. 364 E. 365