MARKETING SS I FIRST TERM SUB-THEME 1: MEANING AND CONCEPT OF MARKETING K TOPIC PERFORMANCE CONTENT ACTIVITIES TEACHING AND EVALUATION E WE OBJECTIVES TEACHER STUDENTS LEARNING GUIDE RESOURCES 8 Classification of Students should be (1) Meaning of product. (1) Discusses (1) Listen (1) Consumer Students to: products I able to: (2) Classification of products. attentively goods. (1) define product (1) define products products: (2) Leads (2) Participate in (2) Textbooks (2) differentiate (2) state the -industrial goods discussion on discussion. (3) Pictures between industrial difference between -consumer goods. product (4) Radio advert. goods and consumer industrial goods and classification. (5) Video clips goods. consumer goods. (6) Tapes (7) Market/shops. 9 Classification of Students should be (1) Meaning of goods (1) Discusses (1) Listen (1) Textbooks Students to: products II able to: and services goods and services. attentively (2) Pictures (1) define goods and (1) define goods and (2) Goods and services. (2) Guide students (2) Participate in (3) Radio advert services. services. to distinguish discussion. (4) Market shops. (2) give two differences (2) distinguish between goods and between goods and between goods and services. services. services. 10 Marketing Mix I Students should be (1) Marketing mix (1) Explains (1) Listen (1) Consumer Students to: able to: (2) Four PS of marketing mix. attentively. goods (1) explain marketing (1) explain marketing marketing: (2) Guides students (2) Identify the (2) Books mix. mix. -product to identify the four four PS of (3) Pictures (2) explain the four PS (2) identify the four -price PS of marketing. marketing. (4) Charts of marketing. PS of marketing . -place (5) Radio advert -promotion (6) Tapes (7) Video clips. (8) Market/shops. 11 REVISION 12 EXAMINATIONS 714