PAPER 2 1 Hour 15 Minutes AFRICAN AND NON-AFRICAN PROSE Answer one question from each section. SECTION A AFRICAN PROSE Buchi Emecheta: Second Class Citizen 1. Discuss the theme of girl-child education in the text. 2. Give an account of Adah’s cold welcome to London. Alex Agyei-Agyiri: Unexpected Joy at Dawn 3. Discuss the character and role of Tally 0 in the novel. 4. Write on any three themes in the novel. SECTION B NON-AFRICAN PROSE Ralph Ellison: The Invisible Man 5. With copious references to the text, write on the theme of racial discrimination. 6. Discuss the character and role of Ras the Exhorter. Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights 7. Write on the theme of death in the text. 8. Discuss the character and role of Isabella in the novel. Want more Literature in English Prose WASSCE Exam Questions Get the complete WAEC Literature in English Exam Past Questions Paper Objective, Prose, Drama and Poetry in PDF or Ms-Word from us. Continue reading to know how…..