PAPER 3 DRAMA AND POETRY SECTION A AFRICAN DRAMA Answer one question from each section. Each question carries 25 marks. John Kargbo: Let Me Die Alone 1. Give an account of the ascension of Yoko to chiefdom in the text. 2. How does the character of Musa contribute to the development of the play? Wole Soyinka: The Lion And The Jewel 3. Discuss the character and role of Lakunle in the text. 4. How does the cunning acts of Baroka trap Sidi? SECTION B. NON-AFRICAN DRAMA Answer one question from either of the texts in this section. Each question carries 25 marks. John Osborne: Look Back In Anger 5. Write on Osborne’s view of religion in the play. 6. Discuss the character and role of Jimmy Porter in the play. August Wilson: Fences 7. How does the character of Bono contribute to the development of the play? 8. Discuss the theme of victimization and inhumanity in the text. Want more Literature in English Drama and Poetry WASSCE Exam Questions Get the complete WAEC Literature in English Exam Past Questions Paper Objective, Prose, Drama and Poetry in PDF or Ms-Word from us. Continue reading to know how…..