6 . What does the figure 3 repre sent in a 3/029 cable? A. Length B. Width C . Core D. Diameter 7. A tool used fo r removing bearing from a shaft i s called A. an extractor. B. a hammer. C . a spanner D. a knife. 8 What type of joint docs the diagram below i llustrate? A. Scarf B. Married C . Tee D. Britannia 9. Whic h of the following devices is not a primary cell? A. Lead acid cell B. Leclanche c e ll C. Dan iel cell D. Simple cell 1 0 . The type of socket used for domestic equipment is A 15 A. B 13 A C 10 A D. 5 A 11 . What does the di agram below represent? A. Solid elbow B. Inspection elbow C. Th rough box D. Ice box 12. Winding conductors are insulated with A. varnish B. paper. C. rubber D. mica. 13 . A coil span can be defined as A. an insulating support of ceramic. B. number of teeth in a coll. C. the distance between the starting {Joint and finishing point o f a coil D. a material which offers a very low resistance to the flow of current Study the diagram below and answer questions 14 and 15 https://stcharlesedu.com