ENGLISH STUDIES JS I FIRST TERM K TOPIC PERFORMANCE CONTENT ACTIVITIES TEACHING AND EVALUATION E OBJECTIVE TEACHER STUDENTS LEARNING GUIDE E RESOURCES W LITERATURE Students should be 1. African and Non- 1. Leads students to 1. Identify the 1. Story books on Students to: Introduction to able to: African tales. identify the moral features of folktales 1. identify moral folktales 2 1. identify the moral 2. Didactic lessons. lessons in tales. folktales 2. Supplementary lessons learnt lessons to be learnt 3. Entertainment 2. Leads students to 2. Dramatize the readers 2. narrate from folktales. 4. Magical features dramatize the folktales 3. Recorded folktales 2. narrate folktales folktales 3. Narrate folktales folktales Narrate folktales 5 READING Reading for Students should be 1. Identifying main 1. Selects a passage 1. Read and re- 1. Selected Students to: supporting ideas able to: and supporting relating to road read the passage passages on road 1. identify 1. identify supporting ideas in a given safety. 2. Work in pairs safety accurately ideas in selected passage 2. Guides students to or groups to 2. course book supporting ideas passages 2. Differentiating read and re-read the identify 3. Recommended from passages 2. identify key words between main and passage. supporting ideas texts. 2. identify and expressions that supporting ideas in 3. Guides students to in assigned 4. Selection from correctly key signal details a given passage identify supporting paragraphs. other subject words and ideas in the passage 3. Write areas. expressions that supporting ideas signal details. in exercise books 11