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MINISTRY OF BASIC AND SECONDARY EDUCATION BASIC EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION (BECE) HISTORY . TIME ALLOWED: 1 HOUR, 30 MINUTES INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES PLEASE DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. WHILE WAITING, READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. Write your Centre and Examination Numbers, Name, the Name of your School and the Subject in the spaces provided on the Answer Sheet. 1. Read each question carefully before answering it. 2. DO NOT waste time on any question; if you find one difficult, go on to others and finish them before you come back to the difficult one(s). 3. Please, work completely on your own. Remember, Examination Malpractice is a serious criminal offence, do not be involved.
HISTORY 1. History can be defined as .... A. narration from the past. B. study of written records of past events. C. the study of the entire human past as it happened. D. a good story telling. 2. Who discovered the mouth of river Niger? A. David Livingstone B. Lander Brothers C. Mungo Park D. Laird Macgregor 3. The legendary 'father' of the Yorubas was .... A. Alafin. B. Oduduwa. C. Ogun. D. Sango. 4. Which of the following country is the most populous in Africa? A. Ghana B. Nigeria C. Gabon D. Liberia 5. The Colony and Southern Protectorate were merged with the Northern Protectorate of Nigeria by the British in the year.... A. 1851. B. 1861. C. 1914. D. 1960. 6. The first European to make contact with the Nigerian coastal states was the A. English. B. French. C. Spanish. D. Portuguese. 7. Benin and Ife were ancient centres of civilization popularly known for the A. extraction of tin ores. C. weaving of cloth. B. casting of bronze. D. mining of salt. 8. Indirect rule was introduced in .... A. British. B. French. C. Portuguese. D. Germany. 9. In the history of Nigeria, 1914 was the .... A. year of the British established their rule over Nigeria. B. beginning of the First World War. C. year of the amalgamation of the Northern and Southern protectorate of Nigeria. D. year of the first election in the legislative council. 10. Much of the lgbo-Ukwu, arts were made of.... A. copper. B. bronze. C. brass: D. clay. 11. Nigeria attained her independence in the year A. 1963. B. 1966. C. 1960. D. 1970. 12. The European countries were interested in Africans because of the .... A. raw materials. B. finished goods. C. good weather. D. internal trade. 13. Which of the following countries was not a British colony? A. Nigeria B. Liberia C. Gambia D. Ghana 14. The first colonial Governor of Nigeria was A. Lord lugard. B. Bernard Bourdillon. C. Arthur Richard. D. Huge Clifford. 15. According to the Itsekiri tradition, the kingdom was founded by a prince from .... A. Benin. B. Oyo. C. Igala. D. Nupe.. 16. One of the ancient centres of the civilization in Nigeria was .... A. Igbo-Ukwu. B. Onitsha. C. Lokoja. D. Asaba.
17. The cripple who founded the mali Empire was ........ A. Sundiata B. Mansa Musa C. Mansa Suleiman. D. Osei Tutu. 18. The currency used for commercial transactions during Trans-Saharan trades was the .... A. spice. B. cowries. C. perfume. D. bead. 19. The main occupation of the Ijaws is known to be.. A. cattle rearing. B. fishing. C. farming. D. trading. 20. When did Nigeria become a Republic? A. 1959 B. 1963 C. 1960 D. 1957 21. The most important mineral export of Nigeria after the first Republic is ...... A. Gold. B. Crude oil. C. Tin Ore. D. Coal. 22 ....... produced the first Yoruba bible. A. Samuel Bill B. David Oyedepo C. Ajayi Crowder D. Birch Freeman 23. The capital of Songhai Empire was .... A. Timbuktu. B. Accra. C. Gao. D. Kanem. 24. Nigeria is considered to be .... A. a developed country. B. a developing country. C. a super developed country. D. a under developed country. 25. The Berlin conference for the partitioning of Africa was held between ... A. 1884-1885. B. 1960-1963. C. 1900-1903. D. 1870-1871. Want more Objective Questions like this? Get the Complete Past History Exam Questions (Obj & Theory) from us Continue reading to know how SECTION B (THEORY) INSTRUCTION: Attempt four questions, all questions carry equal marks. Credit will be given for clear and orderly presentation of facts. 1a. Define History 1b. Explain four importance of STUDYING HISTORY IN SCHOOLS. 2a. What is Nationalism? 2b. Mention four factors that contributed to Nigeria's Nationalism. Want more Theory Questions like this? Get the Complete Past History Exam Questions (Obj & Theory) from us Continue reading to know how

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