Winter O’ Dear Nitika Sawhney The folklore she narrates, While knitting warmth, in sweaters and scarfs As the winter sun cosies up her broken elbows, fast The stories, so heart-warming, I wish this session to last O’ Grandmother, tell me a tale, one more! The smile she carries, While cooking veggies, their aroma wafting around Her veranda, drying pickles in multiple rounds The sweetness of flour-balls, still tingling in my mouth O’ Mother, give me a hug, one more! The love he offers, While prepping up for a day-long outside Returning home with goodies, for the awaited festive night Along with a bundle of wood, for an evening, shiny bright O’ Father, pick me in your arms, once more! The evening’s arrived - So, together we’re merrily encircling around - the holy fire (to douse evil), lit on the ground Its warmth blending with the airy-cold weather Seeping in cosiness, with neighbours we gather The nuts and sweets, we’re offering to the Lord of Fire - turn into holy offerings, and fulfil desires! I, still a child, await the festival of ‘Lohri’ every year Even though, it comes to gradually take with it my favourite season, Winter - O’ Dear!