DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. 33rd ANNUAL CELEBRATION & MARCH presented by MLK Diversity-Engagement Foundation MLK “I Have A Dream” Committee 7:30AM - 9:00AM Community Service Donation Collections Frederick Douglass Elementary Parking Lot Loudoun Hunger Relief - Food: Canned Goods Women Giving Back - Hats, Gloves, Scarfs, Coats 9:00AM 9:00AM Children’s Corner Youth - Alumni Panel Discussion Conference Room Adjacent Main Foyer - The Historic Douglass School (DHS) To Main Foyer “From Historic Struggle to Progress” Community Dialogue Historic Douglass High School Panel Moderator: Beulah Willis-Brown Facilitator: Darnell Wise Lightbourn Loudoun Douglass High School Alumni & Panelists: Author: Tiffney Laing Charles Avery, Dwight Brooks, Gertrude Evans, James Roberts 10:00AM 10:15AM Martin Luther King Jr Morning Program March Welcome - Loudoun Court House -- Douglass High School Gym Ms. Alvah Sims – Former Teacher (for those who are unable to march) Invocation - Court House Rev. Donald M. Reid 10:30AM Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Commemorative March Loudoun Courthouse to The Historic Douglass High School 11:45AM 33rd Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Main Program - Douglass High School Gym (Main Foyer Open for Overflow & Live Streamed of the Main Program) MLK DIVERSITY-ENGAGEMENT FOUNDATION 33RD ANNUAL MARCH & CELEBRATION