GenesisandComposition Whenwelookfordifferences in white sapphires and diamonds, one major factor is the origin andcomposition of these gems. Diamonds, regarded as the hardest gemstone across the globe, are made of carbon atoms only. These gems are created under extreme pressure and intense heat beneath the Earth’s surface, and they ooze out during the volcanic eruptions. Onthecontrary, white sapphires are members of the corundum mineral family, like their popular alternatives- blue sapphires and rubies. Primarily, corundum is formed with an amalgamation of aluminum & oxygen atoms and different trace elements. White sapphires are the achromatic or near-colorless variety of corundum, owing their color to the lack of impurities. Quality and Shine Diamondsareknownfortheir peerless qualities and capability to mirror light into a striking array of colors, creating a visually delightful shine known as “fire”. This unmatched play of light is a major factor behind diamonds’ popularity in earrings, rings, necklaces and other unique jewelry. Whereas, white sapphires exhibit a little different play of light, exuding elegance and radiance but they lack the ability to disperse light that diamonds have. Moreover, white sapphires often possess a subtle, radiant glow, captivating those who admire a more refined charm. Rarity and Cost Whenwetalkaboutrarity, diamonds have a little advantage. Genuine diamonds are rare, making them an expensive and treasured gem of all time. The unearthing and acquiring of diamonds include rigorous efforts, elevating their premium cost. Whereas, white sapphires are often less expensive than dazzling diamonds. Despite being precious gemstones, white sapphires are more affordable due to low demand.

Exploring the Visual Differences between White Sapphires and Diamonds.PDF - Page 2 Exploring the Visual Differences between White Sapphires and Diamonds.PDF Page 1 Page 3