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Principal + Up to Principal tly ly quen r ek casionally e e c fr eve Daily W O In N 14% 4% 22% 9% 29% 24% 25% 34% 11% 30% How often do you go without a lunch break? Principal + Up to Principal s y s s s y y y r e than 10 da eve o 5 da o 10 da N 1 or 2 da 3 t 5 t Mor 45% 34% 34% 40% 16% 22% 3% 2% 4% 4% How many times over the last six months have you attended work when you felt that you were not well enough to do so? Health and Wellbeing Report 2021 11

Healthand Wellbeing Report-2021 - Page 13 Healthand Wellbeing Report-2021 Page 12 Page 14