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Ascent IOM Installation Guide

ASCENT IOM INSTALLATION PROCESS _________________________________________ Ascent Base: packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t1B000001NwoqQAC ● Copy and paste the link in the org you want to install the app ● Select Install for all Users ● Install ● The package might take a few minutes to install. You’ll receive an email informing you when it is successfully installed. ● You can go to setup-Installed Packages to check IOM Installation Process 1

Ascent Order Management: packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t1B000001NwpFQAS ● Follow the same installation steps described under Ascent Base Ascent Inventory Management: packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t1B000001NwpUQAS ● Follow the same installation steps described under Ascent Base You should now see the three installed packages Go to the App Launcher and click on view all IOM Installation Process 2

You will see Ascent Order Management and Ascent Inventory Management apps Now, it’s time to give access to your users Go to setup and search for permission ● Click on Permission Sets ● Click on AscentInventory IOM Installation Process 3

● Click on Manage Assignment ● Click on Add Assignments ● Select the user and assign IOM Installation Process 4

● Permission has been assigned to the selected user(s), click on Done ● Back to Permission Sets and repeat the same steps for AscentSales The users selected have now the ability to see and use both Ascent Order and Ascent Inventory Apps. ● Layouts: specific Ascent Layouts have been created and packaged. To use them, go to Setup and click on Object Manager. IOM Installation Process 5

You will see a list of all available objects; standard Salesforce and Ascent custom objects ● In this example we will use the Order object, which is a standard Salesforce object IOM Installation Process 6

● Click on Order and then on Page Layouts ● You will see two layouts available, Order Layout and Order Layout - Ascent Order ○ Order Layout is currently the default layout, click on Page Layout Assignment IOM Installation Process 7

● The click on Edit Assignment ● Select the profile you want to assign the Ascent Order layout IOM Installation Process 8

● Then select the layout and save All users under the selected Profile will now see the Order Layout - Ascent Order IOM Installation Process 9

Do the same with other objects. Learn more about Ascent IOM, Ascent Inventory Management, and Ascent Order Management at, on Salesforce AppExchange, or contact us at [email protected]. IOM Installation Process 10