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Tashna Grey Joycelet J Barnett Brown Small Business ESRA Realty and Greater Harlem Real Estate Board 89829a1a 740 St Nicholas Ave, NY 10031 9179828743 7327625877 [email protected] [email protected] @esrarealty; Martella Life and Wellness Coaching 649 Lake Street, NJ 07104 ESRA Realty is the oldest black owned and operated real estate “Mertella Life and Wellness Coaching provides life coaching ser- firm in New York State. Started in 1926 by 3 Guyanese immigrant vices to women ranging from career counselling; finding solutions sisters, the business is now owned and operated by 3rd gener- to life’s unexpected events, challenges and struggles. Help with ation owners Maurice R Grey and his cousin Aden. Maurice is life transitions and health and wellness concerns and issues. 2nd generation Jamaican American and is also President of the I have free consultation year round. For the Christmas Holidays, Greater Harlem Real Estate Board. Last year Maurice & ESRA there is a 50% discount through January 5, 2023. I also do speak- Realty along with his family decided to feed Harlem and distribut- ing engagements.” ed 500 meals through Sylvia’s Restaurant. This year the goal has been set higher and ESRA Realty has partnered with the Greater Harlem Real Estate Board for a Holiday Food Giveaway “Harlem Feeding Harlem” where hot meals will be donated by anyone in Herman Hewitt need. H. F. Hewitt Realty 291 East 4th Street Office, NY 10009 2129959203 [email protected] [email protected] @buybluemountaincoffeecompany [email protected] We are a distributor for Mavis Banks Coffee Factory in the United States H. F. Hewitt is a full service licensed Real Estate and Property Management Company. Promoting and selling cooperative and Condominium residences in the City and State of New York 23

Jamaican Diaspora Small Business and Non Profit Catalogue - Page 23 Jamaican Diaspora Small Business and Non Profit Catalogue Page 22 Page 24