SENATOR THE HONOURABLE KAMINA JOHNSON SMITH Minister of Foreign A昀昀airs and Foreign Trade Fellow Jamaicans, We celebrate yet another milestone in our na琀椀on’s history, 昀椀lled with pride at our many triumphs and sober apprecia琀椀on that the journey of na琀椀on-building con琀椀nues. This year, we embrace the theme “Jamaica 61, Proud and Strong”, honouring the bold and courageous a琀琀ributes of the Jamaican people, which have remained evident throughout the years. As we re昀氀ect on and celebrate our many accomplishments, we pause to also acknowledge the struggles of the brave men and women who helped to pave the way for our Independence and the establishment of na琀椀onhood. Today, we embrace this milestone with much vigor and enthusiasm, cognizant that over the last six decades, Jamaica has steadfastly punched above her weight, making contribu琀椀ons far greater than might be expected of a na琀椀on our size. On the interna琀椀onal stage, Jamaicans are trailblazers in many 昀椀elds, with sports and music among the most notable, represen琀椀ng the na琀椀on proud and strong. As we commemorate our 61st anniversary, we note with utmost pride that Jamaica reached the semi-昀椀nals of the CONCACAF Gold Cup 2023 and has quali昀椀ed for the 2023 Netball World Cup, and the FIFA Women’s World Cup for the second consecu琀椀ve tournament. Likewise, our world-class track and 昀椀eld athletes are well on their way to defend their 琀椀tles and reach new heights at the World Athle琀椀cs Championships to be held in Budapest, Hungary later this August. On the na琀椀onal front, the Jamaican economy has been performing well by every measure. Indicators con琀椀nue to show pos- i琀椀ve signs for con琀椀nued growth, development and prosperity. Jamaica’s economic stability and recovery in spite of myriad global challenges, is a great accomplishment which has gained recogni琀椀on and acclaim by our interna琀椀onal partners. This has undoubtedly been recorded with the support of our Diaspora. The Government remains commi琀琀ed to this longstanding partnership with you and looks forward to your con琀椀nued collabora琀椀on as cri琀椀cal players in na琀椀on-building. As we celebrate these and many other achievements, we are also working assiduously to overcome the challenges which confront us as a na琀椀on, including in the areas of crime and security. We are commi琀琀ed to implemen琀椀ng innova琀椀ve ap- proaches towards crime 昀椀gh琀椀ng, strengthened by the greatest level of investment in na琀椀onal security in Jamaica’s history, as well as appropriate social interven琀椀on programmes and legisla琀椀ve reform. Our unmatched e昀昀orts also include vast improve- ments in policing facili琀椀es, recruitment and training, to strengthen ins琀椀tu琀椀onal capacity. Our e昀昀orts have been bearing fruit, including a double digit decrease in major crimes. These challenges have been deeply entrenched for years, and so we s琀椀ll have a di昀케cult road ahead, but be assured that we are commi琀琀ed to this journey and that Jamaica is becoming a safer and more peaceful country of which we can all be proud. Buoyed by our na琀椀onal aspira琀椀on towards cons琀椀tu琀椀onal reform and the transi琀椀on from a cons琀椀tu琀椀onal monarchy to a republic, this year’s anniversary of independence takes on added signi昀椀cance as we embark on this genera琀椀on-de昀椀ning project. The Diaspora is a cri琀椀cal stakeholder in this process, and arrangements have been put in place to have your input on this all-important ma琀琀er. As our resilience con琀椀nues to shine in this post-pandemic era, as Minister of Foreign A昀昀airs and Foreign Trade, I look forward to Jamaica’s increased visibility within the various geopoli琀椀cal spheres of interest and in昀氀uence. Jamaica also depends on you to be good ambassadors, who are fully involved in crea琀椀ng linkages that increase our interna琀椀onal prospects. I therefore welcome re-energized engagements with our global Diaspora, including at the 10th Biennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference to be held in June 2024. In the spirit of patrio琀椀sm and unity, let us con琀椀nue to forge the legacies that we desire, let us charge ourselves with the will to work collec琀椀vely at home and abroad, with dedica琀椀on and commitment, making “Jamaica 61, Proud and Strong”, anoth- er mantra to build on. Happy Independence 2023! 9 9
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