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1. August 6th, 1962 - Independence: Our nation’s history began in 1962 when Jamaica gained its status as an Inde- pendent country, with Sir Alexander Bustamante as our first Prime Minister. 2. 1963- The Festival Office created: To ensure the pres- ervation of Jamaica’s culture and history in the newly established country, the Festival Office was established. Its primary function was to promote the creative talents and cultural expressions of Jamaican people. 3. 1963 - The Wailers Band Formed: The historical Reg- gae band the Wailing Wailers, was created. Its founding members were Bunny Wailer, Peter Tosh and Bob Marley. 4. 1963 - Our First Miss World Title: Carole Joan Crawford be- came the first Jamaican, Caribbean and woman of colour to win the Miss World competition. Standing at 5’ 3”, she is also the shortest woman ever to win the Miss World title. For her historical achievements, postage stamps were made with her winning image. She also received the key to the city of Kingston. 5. 1964 - Tokyo Olympics: Jamaica had previously competed in the ‘48,’52’ and ‘56 stagings of the games, but the nation was still under British rule. When the 21 competitors rep- resented Jamaica in 1964, it was the first time our country had independent representation. The 17 men and 4 wom- en participated in 16 events across 4 disciplines. 6. 1965 - Martin Luther King Jr. visited Jamaica: On June 21st, 1965, Dr. Martin Luther King visited Jamaica. The University of the West Indies invited him to address their graduating class. In his speech, he said Jamaica was one of the only places he felt, “like a human being”, speaking to the unity among the multiple peoples who call Jamaica their home. He also received the Key to the City of Kingston on one of his 10 trips with his wife Coretta. 7. 1965 - Order of National Hero: In 1965, the highest honour that can be bestowed on any Jamaican was established and our first heroes were named. The order of National Hero was given to Sir Alexander Bustamante and The Right Excellent Norman Washington Manley for their contribution to Jamaica’s Independence and politics. We would then go on to have Marcus Gar- vey, George William Gordon, Samuel Sharpe, Paul Bo- gle and Nanny of the Maroons given the same honour for their contribution to Jamaica’s Independence. 8. 1966 - Haile Selassie Visited Jamaica: On Thursday, April 21, 1966, Emperor Haile Selassie visited Jamaica and was greeted by thousands of Rastafarians on his arrival. This is now celebrated as Grounation Day on the Rastafari- an calendar. The only day which holds greater significance is November 2, which is the coronation of Sellassie as Emperor of Ethiopia. Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 29

Jamaica 60 Diamond Jubilee Gala Journal - Page 29 Jamaica 60 Diamond Jubilee Gala Journal Page 28 Page 30