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We are proud to support the Official Jamaica 60th Diamond Jubilee Gala, in celebration of Jamaica’s 60th year of independence, along with its commitment towards enriching the community; enhancing health services; and broadening education for the youth in Jamaica and New York ity Brigid Donnelly Gregory Johnson Managing Director Managing Director Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. 85 Broad Street, 26th Floor | e or,   ­hi€ material i€ not a recommendation a€ defined in ƒeg„lation Be€t Intere€t adopted …† the Sec„ritie€ and ‡ˆchange Commi€€ion. It i€ pro‰ided to †o„ aŠter †o„ ha‰e recei‰ed Form CƒS, ƒeg„lation Be€t Intere€t di€clo€„re and other material€. Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. ­ran€act€ B„€ine€€ on ‹ll Œrincipal ‡ˆchange€ and Mem…er SIŒC. 8Ž‘28. 74 74

Jamaica 60 Diamond Jubilee Gala Journal - Page 74 Jamaica 60 Diamond Jubilee Gala Journal Page 73 Page 75