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Fundi Wa Saa Photographer, Ronny Onkeo, shares his new work series Fundi wa Saa A lot of things inspire me. Most importantly I’m inspired by the interrelationships between our African traditions, beliefs and ways of life. To only know that this can be experienced in Africa is a flex in itself. Tell us more about you and how long you’ve documenting events- kind of like freezing been doing photography time- and photography gave me the oppor- tunity to do so as I believe photos connect I’ve been doing photography for a little bit us to our past, remind us of people, places, over 7 years- starting out in 2014 when feelings, and stories. I started out in family my sis who’d studied Mass comm brought functions and over the years grew into work- the first camera which happened to be a ing with notable brands and organizations Canon 700D. She’d make me her person- such as Facebook Africa, Creatives Garage, al photographer and I’d be the designated Crown Paints, Professional Kenyan Photog- photographer for family functions and over raphers just to name a few. the years my interest in photography spiked as I learned about the importance of doc- umenting events for future reference and for younger generations to marvel at in the future. How did you start doing photography? I’ve always been a huge fan of 50nd3k4 192 50nd3k4 193 50nd3k4 192 50nd3k4 193

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